My kids are so cute.
Here are some snippets from this weekend.
Xavi continually singing, "Heeyyyyy sexy lady" (Gangnam Style).
Elias completely out of the blue saying, "And if the polar bear eats a wolf and then sees me?" to which I responded, "Well maybe then he won't be hungry and won't eat you. Although polar bears are pretty mean and hungry so he'll probably still eat you."
Bath time. Elias protesting. So I prepare the bath and then come into the living romo and say, "OK. We can either do this with smiles or with yelling and tears!" to which Xavi responded, "Smiles. Always smiles".
A fuzzy cobweb on the wall which scared Elias who proceeded to explain what he thought it was when he had first seen it. Xavi's face becoming more and more horrified. Then Xavi starts crying, "noooo I don't want that" but real tears. So we had to call daddy to come in and get it with a broom which he did with Xavi in his arms while Elias and I held the torch.
Me saying to Elias that he is going back to school tomorrow. He said at first he will be a "little bit shy". Then I said I will say hi to Daniela and Xavi pipes up and says, "You will say 'ciao'. Daniela speaks Italian."
Elias is currently very afraid of shadows in the bedroom and is sleeping with me and Xavi. I'm fine with that. It will pass. I explained that they are shadows and used examples from when we make shadows with our hands but also said that he's right, shadows can seem scary so come on in to bed with us. He also said he wants to sleep with Xavi (not only me).
Elias who sometimes instinctively reaches out to help Xavi when we are walking. Today it was to go down a curb. Often is it to guide him somewhere.
We saw the parade and then talked about it. Xavi mentioned we had seen men and people pretending to be sick (they were acting out parts from histiry and these ones were victims of the plague). Elias said we had seen people pretending to be married. He is currently quite intruigued and also easily embarrassed by anything to do with love, kissing and being married. Although he does not hesitate to mention that he will not kiss Anna as she has a mucky nose all the time. Fair enough.
Elias says "su-keh-mar-kit" for supermarket. Unfortunately he no longer says "eye peem" for ice cream and "quick-wy" for quickly, both of which made me giggle.
When Elias says something and then checks it by asking me, "Wite Mummy?"
We were talking about Def Leppard's drummer who lost his arm. Then Xavi goes off to get a digger who has a driver in it who has lost his arm and shows me.
Xavi says "totally" ("toally") a lot. Uses it as synonymous with very, as in, "This car is totally green".
When we are out they are just so cute that sometimes I just stop and kneel down and talk to them for a while.
Xavi and Elias dancing to Twisted Sister's "We're not Going to Take It". Xavi is tiny and very bouncy and really puts his heart into it, singing "any moooooorrrreeeee". Elias is more introverted and just plays very intense air guitar.
Xavi singing Incy Wincy Spider using 1) a piece of foam pipe insulation as the water pipe and 2) a carboard hoop as the sun. Trust me it is elaborate and very effective.
Oh the list goes on and on and ON.
But God I might just burst from love of extreme sweetness. I LOVE my boys!
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