Sunday, 6 November 2011

Catch Up

Months later.... My computer recharge cable died, my work laptop will not let me do some things because of all the security systems on it so I was blogless for over two months. Che palle.

Life goes on. The park fiascos continued throughout the month of August and on September weekends. I very nearly had words with a horrible man and father who is a bastard to his kids and deposited his small daughter on a climbing thing where she cried her eyes out until the "father" responded to my piercing glare and came and got her.

Elias started nursery school. That was HUGE. The first 2 days were new kids with mums. Then the next two days (after the weekend) were new kids without mums. Then they were joined by the big kids (2nd and 3rd year - 4 and 5 years old). The 3 yr olds did half days for a while, about another week or so, then went to full days i.e. until 3.30 and including lunch and a nap. Elias was very brave throughout but has only now, 2 months later, stopped crying when I leave him. He basically has a 2 minute cry, wants his daddy (René picks him up) and then gets over it.

Elias = Elizabeth.

I was the kid who at 9 years old was still bawling at sleepovers. Sigh...

So, a few thoughts. I think the system is really good considering it is a standard, oublic school. The settling in time is great. The mixed ages in one class is good too. We lucked out and have a good teacher - Daniela, 40+ years old, had a 3 yr old herself and is experienced and sweet. That said, I can already see the flaws with conventional schooling. I think Elias is/was not ready for a class of 28 kids and would have been happier had he been able to go to school a little later. Elias like routine so the routine that is a must in the classroom is a good thing but it is only because Daniela is good and flexible and respects every child's character that he is adjusting - another teacher would just say, "get over it and get on with it" to his continuing emotions.

I have a colleague, a lovely man named Kirk, who has 3 kids that go to the Steiner school. His wife teaches pre-school there and he teaches English there. I am going to their Christmas bazaar this month. Why? I'll never be able to afford it but hey, it's worth a look.

Xavi on the other hand returned to daycare without looking back. When I dopr him off in the mornings, he looks at me, waves and says, "bye bye".

Could my kids be any more different?

Elias sometimes defends himself, sometimes not when he is shoved, scratched or his hair is pulled (including by his little brother). I have to tell him, "Elias! Shout at Xavi!! Tell him to stop it!!". I had to tell him that Ludovico could NOT scratch his face and that if he ever even got near his face again, that he must shout very loudly. Xavi? He slaps, pulls hair, scratches and shoves if anyone, I mean ANYONE, bugs him. No one is likely to bug him once they see what happens. He is as cheerful as he is reactive, he shouts as much as he laughs, he defends himself just fine thank you very much.

More? Elias sleeps like a log. Xavi still wakes up at least twice a night. Elias eats like a horse, Xavi picks at food. Elias was happily sitting on the loo at 19 months, Xavi hates it. Elias is dark-haired, Xavi is light (the fierce Norwegian DNA has made its mark). Elias gets mortally offended, Xavi gets p*ssed right off. Elias is sensitive, Xavi bounces back fast.

Ah, life. This Land of Life.